Rabu, 29 September 2010

Article instructional Design 2

Information is Not Instruction - The Wise Remarks of David Merrill
by Kevin Kruse

The most profound statement uttered in the training community over the last 10 years was the simple declaration in 1998 by M. David Merrill that "information is not instruction." Although Merrill, professor of instructional technology at Utah State University, was reacting to the inadequacies of many Web-based training programs, his statement reflects that it has always been too easy to become enamored with the "technology" portion of technology-based training - at the expense of proper design and learning outcomes.

In the early days of disk-based computer-based training (CBT), there was a rush to pour content into electronic tutorials. At the time, computers could only display black and white text. Audio, video, and graphics were years away. A few innovative designers made the most of the limited media and created engaging simulations, quizzes, and even games. But this was the exception to the rule and most early programs were nothing more than books on a computer. Learners were forced to passively read the text on the screen, often clicking the Enter button or space bar to move on. Eyestrain and boredom, rather than improved learning and performance, often were the end results. These types of programs, derisively known as page-turners, tainted the image of CBT for many years.

With the advent of interactive videodisks and multimedia CD-ROMs, designers gained the ability to add graphics, animation, audio, and video. Today's CD-ROM training programs often use creative themes and production elements that make them look more like the latest blockbuster movie or Nintendo® video game. These bells and whistles can keep students engaged, but still many of these programs lack implementation of sound principles of instructional design. Frequently, development budgets are consumed by dramatic themes and Hollywood production values, leaving little resources to spend on instructional activities. The result is an audience who has been entertained but who has not acquired new skills or knowledge.

More recently, there has been an unprecedented move towards Web technology as a training and education medium. Consider recent changes: at the 1996 annual conference of the American Society for Training and Development there was only one seminar devoted to the topic of Web-based training. Two years later there were over a dozen conferences held on the topic. In 1997, total expenditures on Web-based training were estimated at $197 million, with spending in the year 2002 projected to be $6 billion, representing a 95% annual growth rate (International Data Corporation, 1998).

Most of early Web-based training programs were nothing more than online documents. Trainers created electronic versions of traditional printed student manuals, articles, tip sheets, and reference guides. While valuable and accessible resources, these conversions to the Web cannot be considered true training programs.

The rush to the Web without consideration given to instructional design led to Merrill's passionate defense of a scientific approach to learning. In a June 1998 interview in Training magazine, Merrill put it simply, "If you don't provide adequate practice, if you don't have an adequate knowledge structure, if you don't provide adequate guidance, people don't learn."

To guarantee the effectiveness of any training program, remember that while technology will always change, the way adults learn will not. Remember Merrill's admonishment and his keys to learning:

  • provide structured knowledge
  • provide practice
  • provide guidance

Article instructional Design 1

How to Write Great Learning Objectives
by Kevin Kruse

Robert Mager is the third titan of instructional design, and his 1962 book, Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction, influenced school systems for decades and continues to shape the vast majority of corporate training programs developed today. Mager argued for the use of specific, measurable objectives that both guide designers during courseware development and aid students in the learning process. These instructional objectives, also known as "behavioral" and "performance" objectives, can be applied directly in Gagne's second event of instruction, which is to inform learners of objectives.

Mager's Theory of Behavioral Objectives

In the design of instructional materials, training needs are first analyzed and the learning goals of the program are determined. Mager's central concept is that a learning goal should be broken into a subset of smaller tasks or learning objectives. By his definition, a behavioral objective should have three components:


Behavior. The behavior should be specific and observable.

Condition. The conditions under which the behavior is to be completed should be stated, including what tools or assistance is to be provided.

Standard. The level of performance that is desirable should be stated, including an acceptable range of answers that are allowable as correct.

Consider the following behavioral objective:

Given a stethoscope and normal clinical environment, the medical student will be able to diagnose a heart arrhythmia in 90% of effected patients.

This example describes the observable behavior (identifying the arrhythmia), the conditions (given a stethoscope and a normal clinical environment), and the standard (90% accuracy).

Today, the performance objectives in most training programs ignore an indication of the conditions and standards. When these are omitted, it is assumed that the conditions involve normal workplace conditions, and standards are set at perfection. What is always included, however, is the most important criteria for a valuable objective - a written indication of the behavior using measurable or observable verbs.

According to Mager, vague verbs such as "understand," "know," or "learn about" should be replaced with more specific verbs. The list that follows provides some of the verbs appropriate for use with the statement "At the conclusion of this lesson you will be able to:"

* list
* identify
* state
* describe
* define
* solve
* compare and contrast
* operate

For an example of how behavioral objectives can be developed, let's assume that we are creating a training program for receptionists. The goal of the program is simply to train people in proper phone use. What might the specific tasks and associated learning objectives include?

An example of a poorly defined objective is:

In this course you will learn how to operate the phone and properly communicate with callers.

This statement is not an objective but a description of the course contents. Other examples of poorly written objectives are:

After completing this course you will be able to:

* operate your phone
* know how to greet callers
* understand the procedure for transferring a call

These objectives do not indicate observable behaviors, making assessment of their mastery impossible. How does one know if someone knows or understands something? What does it really mean to operate the phone?

The following performance objectives are good examples of the use of observable behaviors.

After completing this course you will be able to:

* place a caller on hold
* activate the speaker phone
* play new messages on the voice mail system
* list the three elements of a proper phone greeting
* transfer a call to a requested extension

These objectives are built around very discrete tasks. Instead of the vague objective to "operate the phone," the learner knows exactly what is expected for successful operation - namely, using the hold feature, speakerphone, and voice mail system. More importantly, these behaviors are observable. A student can be watched as he activates the speakerphone or listened to as she describes the elements of a good phone greeting. Because there is no ambiguity, learner expectancy is achieved and a proper evaluation can be made.

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Share Tugas Pengantar Kurikulum

Tugas dalam e-learning
Mata Kuliah Pengantar Kurikulum

1. Rumuskanlah satu definisi Kurikulum menurut anda sendiri!
2. Apa yang dimaksud Kurikulum sebagai suatu sistem? Buat rumusan sendiri dan beri contohnya!


1. Kurikulum adalah susunan,rancangan,aturan atau rencana mengenai bahan ajaran yang nantinya akan diberikan kepada peserta didik dengan dirancang sesempurna mungkin agar dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang maksimal.
2. maksud dari Kurikulum sebagai suatu sistem; Kurikulum mempunyai banyak objek yang dibahas; Tujuan,Isi,Metode dan Evaluasi. Semua objek yang ada dalam kurikulum tersebut saling berkerja sama dan membentuk suatu sistem. Semua objek itu punya keterkaitan satu sama lain yang tidak bisa dipisahkan.
 Tujuan(Goals) : patokan semua objek dalam kurikulum, yakni mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.
 Isi (Materials) : Ruang lingkup bahan ajaran.
 Strategi (Methods) : sistem belajar yang digunakan para pengajar.
 Evaluasi : hasil belaja/ tingkat ketercapaian suatu materi/bahan ajar.
Contoh : seorang pengajar yang membuat suatu sistem pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan, dengan merancang semua objek dengan hal yang mudah dipahami dan dimengerti.

Selasa, 21 September 2010

“Conceptions of Curriculum”

A short pdf document (just over one page) on “What is Curriculum” can be found on the website of the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) in London. It begins by noting:

As with most things in education, there is no agreed definition of ‘curriculum’, although it is generally agreed that ‘curriculum’ is not the same as ‘syllabus’. A syllabus is a statement of topics to be studied in the course. A ‘curriculum’ equally is not just a statement of intended outcomes, products, or competencies.

It proceeds by noting that “Curriculum is much more than either of these. Theorists concern themselves with different types of curriculum,” including “the curriculum on paper,” the “curriculum in action,” the “curriculum learners experience,” and the “hidden curriculum.”

As I noted in an earlier post, commenting on Glatthorn’s differentiations,

It is crucially important for educators and education researchers and scholars to be aware of these differences. Glatthorn slips up, however, when he refers to these as “types of curriculum.” These are no more different “types” of curriculum than an automobile that consumes fuel and an automobile with doors and windows are different “types” of automobiles. Curriculum is a reality that includes all of the different aspects Glatthorn differentiates–those are not different “types” of curriculum.

The PMETB statement illustrates another matter of concern that I have observed frequently, however. Their statement concludes with a crisp definition, introduced as follows:

Amid this plethora of views, every piece of work in this field must begin with its own stated definition. So for the PMETB, the curriculum is: …

The difficulty this suggests, for Curriculum Theory, is the possible implication that curriculum exists only as whatever we might be referring to as “curriculum.” In that case, it makes perfect sense for a group like PMETB simply to stipulate that “for our purposes, curriculum is x.”

For some practical purposes, that may be completely adequate. But for the sake of understanding curriculum as it actually is, however (which is at least a good part of the work of Curriculum Theory), that is not good enough. For purposes of understanding, no merely stipulative definition will suffice; what we need, rather, are explanatory accounts of curriculum, in its own actuality, and not just for some specific purposes of some particular projects.

Again, though, that doesn’t mean that stipulative definitions have no place–only that they must be kept in their proper places, as stipulated usage for particular purposes, not pretending to suffice for a more general understanding of what curriculum, in actuality, actually is.

Consider this stipulated usage, as explained on page 14 of William H. Schmidt: Why Schools Matter: A Cross-National Comparison of Curriculum and Learning. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/A Wiley, 2001):

For the purposes of our investigations we conceive of curriculum as a sequence of opportunities to learn specific disciplinary content, in our case in science and mathematics. …

The perspective on curriculum used for our investigations here is not meant to exclude or diminish other conceptions of curriculum. Indeed, there is a “bewildering” array of definitions for curriculum.* …

In short, any investigation that focuses on curriculum focuses only on certain aspects and conceptions of this multifaceted centerpiece of schooling. We have chosen a formal approach to curriculum as learning opportunities focused around specific topics in school mathematics and science because this is appropriate to our investigation of actual learning as achievement change for science and mathematics. [*footnotes omitted - JAW]

Schmidt is carefully not saying “We have decided to define curriculum as being this.” Instead, he’s saying “While we understand that curriculum is more than this, this is how we are conceptualizing what it is we’re looking at in these particular investigations.”

The difference might seem subtle, but it is all-important for Curriculum Theory, whose work it is to pursue more extensive understanding of curriculum, as fully as we can, toward curriculum’s own full manifold actuality.

© 2007 James Anthony Whitson. Permission to use this material is granted subject to the condition that the source is cited, including the information in the following citations (1 for APA style [5th]; 2 for Chicago style A [15th]):

  1. Whitson, J. A. (2007). “Conceptions of Curriculum”. Retrieved Month date, 20xx from
  2. Whitson, James Anthony. ““Conceptions of Curriculum”.” (2007), (accessed Month date, 20xx).

Culture Shock

haloo, how are you guys? :D

hmm, udah lama ga update blog, oh ya mau share sedikit nih tentang masa-masa transformasi gue menjadi mahasiswi di UNJ 2010 -_-

pertama, gue kira itu yang namanya kuliah enak, maksudnya enak; bebas,semaunya,ga pake seragam,aturannya dikit. itulah kesan pertama gue mengenai kuliah.

setelah melakukannya, gue berkeyakinan kalo kuliah itu butuh tanggung jawab yang besar. yap, Tanggung Jawab.

diluar dari culture shock gue itu, gue juga mendapatkan pengalaman baru, teman baru dan gebetan baru (loh?)

pengalaman yang seru itu pas MPA, sejenis OSPEK juga. pas lomba yel-yel, jurusan gue Juara I loh.
oh ya, sekedar info, gue kuliah di program studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNJ.

teman baru? hahaha banyak banget, mulai dari afrika sampe australia :D
temen yang paling deket tuh si Uchi sama Fany (buset nih orang dua pada sebleng juga, bisa diajak gila)

gebetan baru? -___- haha gak ada, udah ilfil duluan. HAH!

Pengertian Sistem

Pengertian Sistem Menurut Para Ahli
Istilah sistem merupakan istilah dari bahasa yunani “system” yang artinya adalah himpunan bagian atau unsur yang saling berhubungan secara teratur untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
Pengertian sistem menurut sejumlah para ahli :

1. L. James Havery
Menurutnya sistem adalah prosedur logis dan rasional untuk merancang suatu rangkaian komponen yang berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya dengan maksud untuk berfungsi sebagai suatu kesatuan dalam usaha mencapai suatu tujuan yang telah ditentukan.

2. John Mc Manama
Menurutnya sistem adalah sebuah struktur konseptual yang tersusun dari fungsi-fungsi yang saling berhubungan yang bekerja sebagai suatu kesatuan organik untuk mencapai suatu hasil yang diinginkan secara efektif dan efesien.

3. C.W. Churchman.
Menurutnya sistem adalah seperangkat bagian-bagian yang dikoordinasikan untuk melaksanakan seperangkat tujuan.

4. J.C. Hinggins
Menurutnya sistem adalah seperangkat bagian-bagian yang saling berhubungan.

5. Edgar F Huse dan James L. Bowdict
Menurutnya sistem adalah suatu seri atau rangkaian bagian-bagian yang saling berhubungan dan bergantung sedemikian rupa sehingga interaksi dan saling pengaruh dari satu bagian akan mempengaruhi keseluruhan.

sumber :"pengertian+sistem"

Share Tugas Kuliah Tentang Education Intructional

Tes Penguasaan

  1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Teknologi dan berikan salah satu contoh manfaat Teknologi bagi kehidupan!
  2. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “Hard Technology”, mengapa dikatakan dapat meningkatkan akses, berikan contohnya!
  3. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “Soft Technology”, mengapa dikatakan dapat meningkatkan kualitas, berikan contohnya!

Jawab :

  1. Teknologi adalah suatu rangkaian sistematis yang merupakan hasil aplikasi dari ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk didalamnya cara pandang dan media yang bertujuan untuk menolong manusia dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya.

Manfaat Teknologi:

a) Bidang Informasi : Penggunaan telepon genggam yang sudah menjadi kebutuhan, bukan barang mewah lagi karena kegunaanya itu. Selain itu, teknologi komputer dan internet, sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan juga yang dapat meberikan informasi.

b) Bidang Pendidikan : adanya Software-software khusus yang dipakai didalam pendidikan untuk mempermudah proses belajar mengajar.

  1. Hard Technology merupakan istilah untuk teknologi yang berwujud komponen-komponen dalam bentuk fisik/real.

Hard Technology dapat meningkatkan akses karena teknologi yang semakin berkembang luas menandakan teknologi bidang komunikasi dan informasi juga semakin berkembang, yang menyebabnkan meningkatnya akses antara manusia dan tidak terbatas oleh ruang dan waktu, karena sifat penyebarannya fleksibel (dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun).

Contoh :

a) Penyebaran informasi perkuliahan melalui SMS dan situs jejaring sosial.

b) Pemanfaatan mailing list dan chatting sebagai sarana pembelajaran antara mahasiswa dan dosen diluar jam perkuliahan yang dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun.

  1. Soft Technology merupakan ide, cara pandang, gagasan, cara berpikir dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah dengan pemanfaatan peran teknologi keras.

Soft technology dapat meningkatkan kualitas karena soft technology menggabungkan beberapa gagasan atau mendalami masalah sehingga menjadi spesifik dan mencari solusi dari permasalahan tersebut, sehingga adanya perkembangan sistem yang lebih baik lagi.

Contoh :

a) Training pegawai baru maupun pegawai pindahan dari salah satu departemen dalam suatu perusahaan.

b) Perubahan dari metode konvensional menjadi metode belajar PAIKEM.

Jumat, 17 September 2010

Cuplikan Tugas artikel PTKI TP UNJ

Internet dalam Pendidikan, Kenapa Tidak?

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang di ASEAN yang memiliki mutu pendidikan rendah, walaupun masih dibatas kewajaran dari kata ‘rendah’, namun akankah kita hanya duduk terdiam melihat mutu pendidikan negara kita yang makin lama, makin menurun.

Di zaman modern seperti sekarang ini, cara komunikasi Pendidikan tidak hanya terpaut oleh pengajar; pelajar hanya duduk diam sambil mendengarkan Pengajar memberi materi, sekarang, banyak permehati pendidikan/pengajar telah menerapkan sistem/metode “Atractive Active Learning”; dimana para pengajar memberi kesempatan bagi pelajar untuk aktif didalam kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM).

Dalam metode ini, pengajar lebih memberi materi kepada Pelajar secara garis besarnya saja, selanjutkan pengajar meminta para pelajar mengambangkannya, biasanya pelajar diminta membuat kelompok agar komunikasi antar pelajar bisa semakin meluas dan melebur jadi satu ide.

Di zaman modern ini pula, Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi sangat diperlukan didalam dunia pendidikan, banyak sekolah-sekolah atau tempat pengajaran di kota besar menggunakan Teknologi ini dalam proses pembelajarannya. Para pengajar di kota metropolis maupun eopolis sudah menerapkan metode pembelajaran dengan menggunakan berbagai media Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi (TKI).

Dalam pengembangannya, ada beberapa perubahan yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran. Terdapat tiga perubahan proses pembelajaran; Pertama, adanya perubahan dari Pelatihan ke Penampilan, maksudnya Penampilan disini adalah gaya belajarnya, yang biasa cenderung “teacher always speak up”, siswa juga diberi kesempatan untuk berbicara tentang pembahasan materi, biasanya pengajar memberikan satu siswa untuk menjelaskan satu bab kepada siswa lain. Kedua, Perubahan dari Ruang Kelas ke Dimana dan Kapan pun. Terakhir, perubahan dari kertas ke media digital, misalkan dalam bentuk presentasi tugas yang menggunakan software PC (Personal Computer) Microsoft Power Point. Semua perubahan ini terjadi akibat adanya kecenderungan pelajar yang ingin lebih maju tanpa adanya istilah ‘GapTek’ (Gagap Teknologi) di lingkungannya.

Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi telah mengubah wajah pembelajaran yang berbeda dengan proses pembelajaran tradisional. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya Interaksi tatap muka antara Pengajar dengan siswa baik di kelas maupun di luar kelas.

Komunikasi antara pengajar dan pelajar juga sangatlah penting, apalagi jika adanya media komunikasinya, media komunikasi ini bisa disebut juga media pendidikan. Media pendidikan bisa menggunakan Telepon,Komputer,Internet,E-mail dsb. Jadi bisa dikatakan interaksi Pengajar dan Pelajar tidak hanya melalui tatap muka.

Seperti disebutkan pada paragraf sebelumnya, Internet termasuk salah satu media pendidikan. Selain fleksibel, Internet juga mudah dipelajari, tak sulit menemukan suatu dinamika dalam pembelajaran yang menggunakan Internet. Di abad 20-21 ini, terdapat suatu fenemona baru, atau bisa dikatakan terobosan baru dunia pendidikan, yaitu adanya ‘Cyber Teaching’; Pembelajaran di dunia maya, sekarang kita lebih mengenalnya dengan istilah ‘e-Learning’. Pada kasus ini, para pengajar lebih berada dalam posisi fasilitator. Dengan adanya e-Learning, siswa dapat belajar sesuai dengan kondisi kemampuan individualnya, jika ada siswa yang cepat menyerap materi melalui metode e-Learning, ada juga yang menyerap atau sekedar memahami materi dengan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Siswa yang lambat, bisa terbantu dengan adanya e-Learning karena fungsinya yang fleksibel, setiap waktu dia dapat belajar dengan berulang-ulang.

Para teknolog dan pembuat kurikulum juga mengembangkan kurikulum dengan sedemikian rupa dalam bentuk yang lebih fleksibel, sesuai kondisi anak

Namun, diantara keunggulan internet, ada pula kelemahannya didalam pembelajaran. Pertama, pelajar lebih cenderung bergairah dengan internet itu sendiri dibandingkan dengan materi yang dipelajari. Mereka cenderung asik dengan daya tarik teknologi internet yang mungkin jauh lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan, dibandingkan dengan membaca materi yang diberikan oleh pengajar yang agak monoton (kebanyakan para pengajar didunia e-Learning masih belum memaksimalkan fasilitas-fasilitas yang telah disediakan owner untuk mempercantik tampilan webnya). Kedua, pembelajaran menggunakan internet dapat menciptakan masalah sosial dalam proses belajar mengajar. Misalnya, para pelajar jadi lebih tertarik dengan kecanggihan teknologi yang mereka pakai didalam dunia pembelajarannya dibandingkan dengan melalukan kegiatan luar ruangan (outdoor) yang bisa menimbulkan interaksi sosial dalam lingkungannya, baik dengan teman sebaya maupun dengan orang yang lebih tua.