Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Leading to Learning (part 1)

Hello guys, how are you? *poke* LOL

today I wanna give you some experience from my lesson at the college; University State of Jakarta (UNJ).

Yesterday, my teachers (Mr.Kunto Imbar and Mrs.Dewi) taught me about the meaning of instructional design. And they gave us an assignment, to make summary about Defines Instructional Design.

And this is my review about that, check this out folks! But dont judge me, if this post almost wrong. We learn together J

oh yeah, thank you for Uncle F. Benny Crowe who translated my summary into perfect English, you’re great ‘om bule’!!! *big huges* :*

>>>>>MY ASSIGNMENT<<<<<<


The term instructional design refers to the systematic and reflective process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials, activities, information resources, and evaluation. An instructional designer is somewhat like an engineer. Both plan their work based upon principles that have been sussessful in the past-the engineer on the laws of physics, and the designer on basic principles of instruction and learning. Both try to design solutions that are not only fuctional but also attractive or appealing designer have established problem-solving procedures that they use to guide them in making decisions about their desings.

Perfection is neither a goal nor an option in design. It is attractive and easy to assume that with sufficient so phistication, designers will develop flawless designs that have no drawbacks.

Hmm, still confuse guys? So do I. To understand the term instructional design more clearly, we will review the meanings of the words instruction and design. Okay? Lets we try to read that!


Driscoll (2000) defines Instruction from similiar perspective: “the deliberate arrangement of learning conditions to promote the attaiment of some intended goal”. So we can reach the conclution that Instruction is the intentional arragement of experiences, leading to learners acquiring particular capabilities. These capabilities can vary qualitatively in form, from simple recall of knowledge to cognitve strategies that allow a learner to find new problems within a field of study.

Terms such as education, training and teaching are often used interchangeably with instruction. However, in this post we will make some distinctions may not be made in the same way among all individuals in the field of education, or even in the field of instructional design. However, we have found these definitions helpful in aying the framework for this post. This figure 1.1 illustrates te relationships among these term:

So, all instuction is part of education because all instruction consists of experiences leading to learning. But not all education is Intruction because many experiences that lead to learning are not specifically developed and implemented to ensure effective, efficient, and appealing experiences leading toward particular learning goals.

We generally use the term training to refer to those instructional experiences that are focused upon individuals acquiring very specific skills that they will normally apply almost immediately. Much instructional in business, military, and government settings can be termed training because the experiences are directed toward preparing learners with specific on-the-job skills. In addition, the instructional in certain special education classes is “training” because the learning experiences have been developed to provide students with life skills, such as counting change, which we anticipate they will use almost immediately.

Not all instruction can be considered training, however. Tarining is conducted using all of varieties of method and approach seen in any other form of education: Training is distinguished from other forms by immedicy of application.

As figure 1.1 shows, not all teaching is considered tobe instruction. There are occasions in an educational environment in which a teacher does not focus learning experiences toward any particular learning goal. On these occasions, teachers may provide many learning activities, and during these activities learning goals may emerge, often from the learners themselves as they encounter the activities.

In summary, this post focuses on the facilitation of lerning: Instruction. Here, we will consider instruction to be a subset of education. The term training will be considered a subset of education. The term training will be considered a subset of instruction. In some cases, teaching will be considered instruction, and in others it will fit the more general category of education but will concentrate on the design and development of activities that are directed toward identified learning goals.

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